Coffee Mugs of Different Materials


For many, a cup of coffee is one of the simplest pleasures of our life. From the fresh aroma as we prepare a cup of coffee, to that familiar taste and sips, all setting us up for a whole day.


There are a number of coffee mugs for all types of occasions. Whether you are going for a picnic, or need to keep your coffee warm, you will certainly have a lot of options.


Coffee mugs made of different materials have different purposes and come with distinct features. To help you enhance your coffee drinking experience, XIMIVOGUE has summarized 3 different types of coffee mugs. Keep reading to learn about them.


01 Ceramic coffee mugs


When it comes to a classic type of coffee mug, it is probably a ceramic one. 

Fresh Coloured Glaze Ceramic Cup 420ml/14.2fl.oz.


Ceramic coffee mugs are great for hot drinks like coffee or tea because they usually retain and distribute heat evenly. This means that your drink will stay warm for longer.


Available in a variety of designs and colors, these mugs are highly durable and work well in the dishwasher and microwave. They are easy to clean, without worrying about staining.


02 Glass coffee mugs


Almost similar to ceramic mugs, glass coffee mugs are stylish and create an enjoyable and beautiful drinking experience. 

Marine Style Anti-Scald Double Wall Plastic Coffee Mug (Blue)(520ml/17.5fl.oz.)


They are clear and allow you to see the layers of coffee as you brew and drink it.


Additionally, glass is easy to clean and does not hold on to flavors. It means all aromas are from your coffee but not what the cup held before.


03 Stoneware coffee mugs


While stoneware is not as popular as other types of materials, they are quite durable and can last for a long time. 

Dual Color Mug 550ml/18.5fl.oz. (Yellow and White)


Each piece of stoneware coffee mugs is handmade and unique. They are made with various blends of clay, stone, and flint, which will create a distinct look and feel.


Plus, they do a pretty good job of insulating and wiping out the coffee ring easily.   

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