May Day Celebrations Around The World


Happy May Day to you all in advance! This is a day for honoring all the workers striving hard in life. May you get all the success that you deserve!


As a festival expressing our respect for workers’ efforts, May Day actually stands as a holiday with ancient roots. It is a festival honoring the advent of the season transition from Spring to Summer.


There are a lot of types of celebrations for this day from different parts of the world.




May Day is called Vappu in Finland. It is one of the four biggest holidays with Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, and Midsummer.


Several activities are celebrated on the street on this day, such as picnics, dressing up, sparkling a homemade version of mead called sima, and so on.


It is a drinking day for the Finnish, no matter adults or students. 


United Kingdom


Traditional May Day celebrations in parts of the UK include dancing around a maypole, crowning a May Queen, and Morris dancing. 

With ribbons, dancers often embrace and circle around the maypole to express their love. The earliest records of maypole celebration date to the 14th century.


Also, a May Queen will be crowned, who represents all that is wholesome and good for the May Day.




In Bulgaria, Bulgarians celebrate May Day as Irminden.


This holiday is associated with lizards and snakes. It is said that the kind and leader of the snakes and lizards come out on May 1st.


All workers take this holiday free to involve warding off lizards and snakes. Bulgarians stay out of the fields to avoid these animals and build bonfires to keep them away.




In Germany, Walpurgisnacht celebrations are held on April 30th, including parties, bonfires, and maibaum. 

Huge bonfires and noise are made by local German people to keep the legend of witches and spirits away.


Aside from these, an event for secret admires or haters is also hosted in Germany. 


On this May Day, let’s acknowledge and celebrate the efforts of all workers! Happy May Day 2022!

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