The First Fall Sports Meeting of XIMIVOGUE Headquarters


In order to enhance employees’ physical fitness and its culture construction, XIMIVOGUE’s 1st Fall Sports Meeting was successfully held in Ole Stadium on November 15, 2019. All XIMIVOGUE’s athletes, logisticians and judges were well prepared to attend this meeting. 

Consisted of various sports games (badminton, table tennis, basketball, rope-skipping, relay race and funny games), the Sports Meeting attracted a great amount of sports enthusiasts and everyone was up to the best level with outstanding performances. 

Athletes from six major teams were all in good forms, showcased their impressive skills at maximum to win honors for their teams. Devoted team members supported and cheered on their athletes, which truly helped athletes optimize themselves. Funny games witnessed the harmonious atmosphere and the entire stadium erupted into shouting and laughter.

It’s not winning that matters, but taking part and friendship. During the games, solidarity, cooperation and friendly relations among all participants have been reached, each one ensured the full enjoyment brought by the Sports Meeting.

Thanks to the support and assistance from each other, it is delighted that this Sports Meeting not only improved employees both physically and mentally but also contributed to building up XIMIVOGUE’s corporate culture.

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