A Call for Peace from XIMIVOGUE


People and our planet are in crisis. War and conflict cause destruction, and poverty and drive tens of millions of people from their homes.


Every year, the International Day of Peace (IDP) is celebrated worldwide on September 21. The United Nations General Assembly declared the day dedicated to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observance of 24 hours of non-violence and ceasefire.


This year's theme is Action for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals. It is a call to action that recognizes our individual and collective responsibility to promote peace.


Peace starts with each of us and together we can build a better future for everyone. If we want a better future, we must reconsider the actions we take today. It's cause and effect: everything we do impacts our future, and everything we do together impacts the world.


XIMIVOGUE calls attention to the unprecedented impact of the complex crises facing humanity - from conflict and inequality to displacement, climate change, and atrocities about human rights.


Since its founding, XIMIVOGUE has been committed to demonstrating its social responsibility, fighting for a planet of love and peace, whether through actions of donating anti-epidemic materials, building schools to bring hope to uneducated children, or promoting a spirit of solidarity.


For XIMIVOGUE destroyed store investor


XIMIVOGUE store ruined in the war


There are a lot of investors eager to support brands that work to make the world better.


Showing great concerns about the rebuilding of its franchisee's stores destroyed in the war, XIMIVOGUE decided to support them in various aspects.


XIMIVOGUE believed that by demonstrating developed social responsibility initiatives, it is bound to become more responsible to investors.


For out-of-school kids


Hope school donated by XIMIVOGUE


Even a small social responsibility initiative can have an impact on the community.


XIMIVOGUE promises the public that every time a franchisee cooperates, out-of-school children's living expenses, and tuition for one year will be covered, and every time all 100 XIMIVOGUE stores open, an elementary school will be provided a grant.


XIMIVOGUE believes that this initiative can truly change society significantly. By taking responsibility for its impact, XIMIVOGUE strives to make the world a better place.


For disaster-affected people


Daily necessities donated by XIMIVOGUE


Brands taking responsibility is especially important and valuable for society in times of crises that hit a wide range of the economy, such as natural disasters. XIMIVOGUE quickly pledged its support and provided daily necessities for the relief effort after the flood hit Henan Province in China in 2021.


It generated a meaningful impact on its Chinese investors and customers, helping CSR firms quickly gain reputation and public relations.

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Email: info@ximiso.com

Phone: +86-20-66600099

Website: https://www.ximiso.com
