How Social Responsibility Influence A Brand


Social responsibility has a positive impact on companies, consumers, communities, and more. It has become increasingly important in recent years.


A brand that implements a social responsibility initiative has the opportunity to enhance customer retention, employee engagement, brand image, and the world we live in. 

Prevention materials donated by XIMIVOGUE


To customers


A brand that embraces socially responsible policies demonstrates that it is a business that takes an interest in wide social issues, which goes a long way toward retaining customers and its long-term success.


What is more, customers who know that part of a brand’s profits will be used in social causes will happy to pay a premium for products.


During the epidemic in 2020, XIMIVOGUE donated over $10,000 in prevention materials to schools in order to help them to fight the epidemic. In 2021, XIMIVOGUE also donated over $70,000 in emergency materials to disaster areas.


XIMIVOGUE was perceived positively by the customers and its engagements translated into greater sales and customer loyalty. 

Primary school students funded by XIMIVOGUE


To brand value


Socially responsible brands have the opportunity to increase their awareness and equity because they cultivate positive brand value.


This is crucial, as consumers access a brand’s image when deciding whether to buy from it. Something simple, like XIMIVOGUE setting up a Youth Development Foundation to fund primary school students, shows that XIMIVOGUE is a brand committed to helping others. As a result, it will appear much more favorable to consumers.


This news spread and more people heard about XIMIVOGUE as a force for good, which creates increased brand awareness.


To employees


There are also various benefits for a brand’s employees when it embraces social responsibility.


It is proven that employees enjoy working for a brand that has a good public image. This leads to better teamwork and happy employees lead to low attrition.


As a large brand like XIMIVOGUE, its investment in social responsibility initiatives can improve employee engagement and have a positive impact on how profitable XIMIVOGUE can be.

To consumers


For consumers, brands that not just have functional benefits but a social purpose are aligned with their personal values.


They are even willing to pay more for socially responsible products.


To investors


Investors care about a brand’s sustainability, competitiveness, and customer loyalty. There are also a lot of investors eager to support brands that work to make the world better.


By demonstrating developed social responsibility initiatives, a band is bound to become more appealing to investors.


To community


Even a small social responsibility initiative can have an impact on communities.


XIMIVOGUE promised to the public that whenever a franchisee cooperates, a kid's one-year living expenses and tuition fee will be covered and that whenever every 100 XIMIVOGUE stores open, a primary school will be donated.


This initiative indeed can change society in significant ways. By taking responsibility for its impact, XIMIVOGUE helps the world become better. 

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