XIMIVOGUE New Store in El Salvador


XIMIVOGUE’s new store in El Salvador


Heartiest congratulations on the opening of XIMIVOGUE’s new store in Tejutla, El Salvador! May its business be prosperous for many years to come.


A good location is important to the success of most retail stores. A shopping mall has been deemed one of the best locations to open a business due to the fact that people visit shopping malls for their everyday needs.


This new store in El Salvador is ideally located in a popular shopping mall in a famous local plaza. Benefiting from the amount of foot traffic the shopping mall has regularly, this new store exposed its business successfully since its opening day. A lot of customers and sales have been generated thanks to its great location. 

Soothing shopping environment in XIMIVOGUE


In addition, the strategic location of this new store offers convenience for customers. Next to a highway, the convenience of this new store enables its business accessible and pleasant to visit.


The fact that people visit shopping malls for everything, and the wide variety of products of this new store makes it more exposed to a number of customers. That means it can capture the attention of visitors and therefore grow its customer base.


What is more, different kinds of marketing ploys are more likely to bring more customers into the door. By launching attractive discounts and promoting via radio stations, TV channels, and social platforms, this new store has accumulated a certain amount of customers. 

Themed products and new arrivals of XIMIVOGUE


The store layout is another dominant that impacts purchasing behaviors and achieving sales goals. In this new store, customers can take a broad and sweeping look, new arrivals and high-demand products are all placed in prominent areas, which further improved the sales performance.


Thanks to the time, effort, and manpower spent before the store opening, this new store has successfully enhanced its awareness and impressed its customers. The soothing color scheme, tidy product layout as well as attentive shopping services all contributed to its success.


If you are interested in such a fast fashion franchise store, just follow the below steps to discover more franchise opportunities!


01. Apply: complete the online application, and get a reply from XIMIVOGUE.

02. Visit: visit a store nearby or visit the company/store/warehouse in XIMIVOGUE headquarters.

03. Sign: sign the agreement online or offline.

04. Open: open the XIMIVOGUE store, and get long-term service & support.

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Email: info@ximiso.com

Phone: +86-20-66600099

Website: https://www.ximiso.com
