XIMIVOGUE New Store in Kazakhstan


XIMIVOGUE’s new store in Kazakhstan


A toast to the grand opening of XIMIVOGUE’s new store in Almaty, Kazakhstan! Wishing its business never-ending success from the grand opening day to many years of operation!


When it comes to opening a new retail store, a factor is critical to its success: Where will it be located?


As we all know, the best retail location is certainly a high-traffic area where potential customers are known to shop. Let’s take this new XIMIVOGUE store as an example. 

Appealing XIMIVOGUE layout


This new store is Ideally located in Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan, which is known as the major commercial, cultural, and financial center in Kazakhstan. What is more, Kazakhstan is the most powerful economic country in Central Asia and Almaty’s financial exports make it a large contributor to Kazakhstan’s economy.


In view of the above economic factors, XIMIVOGUE decided to open this new store in Almaty to enjoy its advantages in various aspects. Located in one of the largest shopping malls in Almaty, this new store has a high footfall and many chances to generate revenue.


Surrounded by hundreds of famous brands, there are numerous people visiting this new store, which resulted in double the expected sales amount on its opening day. 

Fashionable and practical XIMIVOGUE products


There is no doubt that a new store opened on popular holidays is sure to succeed. Opened near Christmas and New Year, this new store has successfully attracted a certain amount of customers and satisfied them with fun and high-quality festive products.


The product availability at this new store is another contributor to its positive shopping experience and earning loyal customers. By fulfilling the needs of the local customers, this new store displays a wide range of fast fashion products for purchase.


Besides, the layout and visual appeal of this new store further improved the shopping experience and increased sales, customers can find comfort in it and get the high-quality products they need at affordable prices. 

Attractive XIMIVOGUE promotions


Another contributor to this new store’s sales performance is its effective promotions. By means of appealing fliers, dolls, and balloons, this new store also provided delicious drinks and adorable gifts to attract customers and increase purchase volume.


If you want to open such a store with a small amount of investment, just follow the below steps to get franchise opportunities from XIMIVOGUE!


01. Apply: complete the online application, and get a reply from XIMIVOGUE.

02. Visit: visit a store nearby or visit the company/store/warehouse in XIMIVOGUE headquarters.

03. Sign: sign the agreement online or offline.

04. Open: open the XIMIVOGUE store, and get long-term service & support.

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Website: https://www.ximiso.com
